Matthew MacLeod and Jennifer Love Hewitt
Matthew MacLeod and Jennifer Love Hewitt
Ok everyone has been asking me about Jennifer Love Hewitt. Some just wanting to know what the deal is with myself and Jennifer. I have had all sorts of questions asked and emailed to me. To if myself and Jennifer were dating , to rumors and more. But the answer to that question is No. We are not dating. I'm not that lucky. But I will tell the real story about me and Jennifer Love Hewitt.
In some ways it is kinda funny and in other ways it is kinda creepy. I guess you can say it started back in July of 2004. I had just picked up my girlfriend Olivia. Me and her were headed to the Muncie Indiana Mall. I was driving and she was riding. We were talking about everything under the sun. The next thing I know I am waking up in the Ball Memorial Hospital Emergency Room. I was like but I was driving a car. They are like you had a seizure while behind the wheel. I asked if my girlfriend was alright. They told me she was fine and she was the one who saved me. She had turned off the key when she realized something was going on. We bumped into a couple cars and hit part of a fence. But she got the car stopped. I had the seizure from too much stress and I am now on medication for them so I don't have anymore. By now your like ok so how does this story go about involving Jennifer Love Hewitt. Well after talking to my girlfriend. Appearently the last thing I mentioned before I went into my seizure was Jennifer Love Hewitt.
So I guess I will always be able to say Jennifer Love Hewitt nearly killed me and she did put me in the hospital. I am now no longer allowed to mention Jennifer around Olivia. She has banned me from talking about her or seeing any pictures of her, just so it won't happen again. Now we are able to laugh at it all. One of the strange coincidences about it is. Jennifer was in the movie Garfield. The original Creator of the Garfield comic strip, Jim Davis is from Muncie Indiana. Strange but definately a coincidence. Another strange thing is my mother died in Ball Memorial Hospital. Olivia's parents had never met my dad. They were able to meet that day at the hospital. That is another strange coincidence when you consider Jennifer is now in the tv show Ghost Whisperer. But this is my story involving Jennifer Love Hewitt. Jennifer is a very talented actress. Maybe one day I will get the chance to work with her. (keeps dreaming) I better quit that dreaming before I have another siezure. Anyhow for now this is about as close as I get. So this is the story about myself and Jennifer. It is all quite strange but it is something to think back on now. It was quite a expirience all around and something I will definately remember. You always have to to take the good with the bad then just go with it however it ends up. In the end it turned out for the good.
I wrote this for my website on Sept 30th. While looking around tonight on Oct 5th. I found this story about Jennifer and her new show Ghost Whisperer.
Story Here In the story she talks about how she prepared for the role and talked to one of the writers which the show was based on James Van Praagh. While talking to her. He asked her if she knew someone named Allen. She said she did. This is something else that is kinda wierd now considering that is my last name. I know its not me. But it did make me smile a bit and I had to add things to this page. I also found this picture as well.
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