Matthew MacLeod's Set Visit
My trip to Los Angeles and to the set of Ghost Whisperer.
Well everyone wanted to know about my next big adventure. So here we go. Everyone knows I won a visit to the set of Ghost Whisperer. Well my plans were for me to visit the set on Monday the 12th of Dec. Well I got my plane ticket all worked out. I was to fly out on the 11th from Indianapolis at 7 am. Then I would fly for a layover in Denver and then on to Los Angeles. Needless to say I was so excited I couldn't sleep the night before. Not to mention I was still just getting over a cold. So in the freezing cold and sleeting snow with a temp of about 30. I made my way to the Indianapolis airport. I had someone take me. I had planned to stop along the way and grab something to eat but since we left at around 3am to go to the airport nothing was open. But when we got there. I was able to get a personal pizza. It was really good and kept me filled up all the way to Los Angeles. The flights weren't so bad. I did remember to bring some chewing gum to help my ears and to keep the pressure down. I learned that from the first time i flew. I made it to denver and then onto my flight to Los Angeles. Somewhere on the flight to L.A. I fell asleep. From being so tired. This is where things began to go down hill. Somehow I appearently bit my upper lip. Enough to cut it some. Needless to say that wasn't going to help my look.
Well I landed in L.A. and made my way to catch my shuttle to pick up my car rental. It was 10 am L.A. time then. I thought things were fine then. I was wrong. I had placed a order for a car rental online through Thrifty Car rental. I got a great price of 12$ per day for the car rental. That was a major plus considering most of the others were nearly double if not triple that just for the compact size car. Well I got to the car rental place and they found my order and everything. Things were still going good. Till they decided to take my credit card. They needed to put down a 250$ deposit on my card till I brought the car back. Something I was not told online. Well needless to say my card limit is only 200$ So it came up invalid. I'm like ok. They told me to call the credit card company and get the limit upped. I placed a few phone calls. My credit card company finally told me they could do it only if it was an emergency. Ok, Indiana boy stuck in the middle of Los Angeles. He needs a car to get around and over to Hollywood and to his hotel. They said ok just let us talk to the car company. I said great. So I let them talk and the lady then decided to inform me and the credit card company that once my card is invalid it is locked out of their system for 24 hours. Something else they forgot to mention. They would not accept cash either. So i'm out in L.A and no car to get around. I quickly make a few more calls and see alot of passing shuttles with car rental numbers on them. So I call them. Some want and even bigger deposit. Finally after about an hour and half. I was able to find one car company. Alamo car rental that did not require a deposit.
Although the total amount nearly maxed out my credit card. Not to mention the final total was going to be 100$ more then I had originally planned. But I had to have the car to get around. Not to mention I had to have it back several hours earlier then I planned. But that I could handle. I was soon on my way in my Chevy Malibu Maxx. They upgraded me because they were out of the Economy Size. Which I would have settled for a go-kart or bicycle at this point. Just something to get me around. I made my way from the car rental place over to my hotel. I made my way over to Hollywood blvd. I had gotten myself a couple days at the Days Inn on Hollywood Blvd.
I got a great deal on the room. Some was like that is not the greatest of areas. But it was only me and I could handle it. I was actually surprized when it turned out to be pretty nice. In my room though I had this strange picture over the top of the bed. It reminded me of someone too. *cough* Adrian Paul *cough*
But could of just been my half asleep state then. I soon collapsed for a few hours and took a nap. When I got up, I decided I needed to go see where I was suppose to go in the morning. So I took a drive. I had to go to Universal Studios basically in Universal City, CA. My hotel was only 3 miles from there and it was easy to just get on the 101 and poof I was there. It was simple to get there. So then after I found where I needed to go. I decided to go look around and grab something to eat. I made my way back to Hollywood Blvd. I stopped and grabbed something quick from a gas station. I had to watch my money since I didn't have a credit card of much. Which I wasn't too hungry anyway. So I made my way back to the hotel. I found out they had wireless net access in the lobby. So I broke out my laptop and began to hook things up. It took me a while but after about an hour. I figured out their system and was able to get things going. I made it quick and checked my email and messages right quick. I was told to be at the studio early. So I went to go get some sleep. Needless to say I had a interesting view on my way back to the motel room but that is another story.
I got back and quickly fell asleep after upacking the clothes I wanted to wear. I had bought myself a New Jacket and shirt before coming out here. It was a long sleeved black shirt and a brown leather jacket with a wierd pattern on it. But everyone knows me. I like stuff like that. So morning comes and I grab a shower and get dressed. I checked my watch and went down for the complementary breakfast they had. I got me something to eat and went back to my room and soon left.
I quickly made my way over there to where I needed to go. I figured traffic would be bad of a morning. But I've seen worse traffic on my home highways. I made my way to Universal just before 10 am appearently. I went to check in and they told me I wasn't on the list. So I quickly made a phone call to the person i was too if i had any problems. She said I wasn't due in till 11. I had gotten things mixed up with the time changes I went through. So I made my way out and went down to Hollywood Blvd again and did a little site seeing while driving. I drove down it and then down Sunset Blvd.
I seen the Mann's Chinese Theater and a few other things while I was driving. Not to mention all sorts of interesting people. But hey thats L.A. for you. So I wasted a little while and then got back at 11. This is where the fun begins and I can say all that other stuff was not even worth caring about anymore. I made my entrance and got my passes.
I was able to find where I needed to go pretty easily. I soon found a parking spot. Then I was on my way inside. Once inside I met my contact there Danielle. She had been setting up the whole thing for me and is one of the producers. She began introducing me to everyone inside. It was great. I got to meet most everyone and they were all very nice. They welcomed me to the place and told me congratulation for winning. I said it was a plasure to be there which it definately was for me. I met so many people I am losing track of all the names. The production office was great. I seen where they edit the show and do just about everything else as well. Plus they keep up to date on all the news and events. I soon made my way to Danielle's office where she had me leave my coat. She then gave me a tour of the rest inside. Then after this we made our way outside. I got onto a golf cart with her. She gave me a private tour of Universals backlot. I seen the universal studios tour go by and I even seen a couple people take my picture from the tour bus. It was quite funny. I seen all sorts of sets. One was made out to be from Jaws. One was the Set to the Bates Motel. Then another was the Grinch who stole Christmas
To even a set for where they filmed part of the new "War of the Worlds". They basically took a 747 airplane and tore it apart over the area which made quite a big mess.
I seen the front of a few houses they use for other sets too. I was shown the one they use for the front of Ghost Whisperer House and any outside shots they need of it.
They have everything down to the last detail to make it look realistic when on film. Then we visited the set for where they film the inside scenes of the Antique store on the show. It was all interesting to see it up close and to look at everything. Then comes the exciting part. They were filming on the town square.
The town square set use to be the set that was used for Back to the Future Clock tower square. But they have since renovated it and added more to it. We were able to come in behind where they were filming. So me and Danielle began walking up. They were in the middle of a scene so we had to be quiet. I was watching things closely by then. I was being introduced to several more people by then. Then almost out of nowhere. Here in front of me is Jennifer Love Hewitt. Jennifer who we all know plays Melinda Gordon on the show. Love is there and Danielle introduced me to her. I shook her hand. I said it was nice to meet her and thanked her for the chance. She told me it was awesome that I was able to come. I wanted to say more but I think I was a little shocked by how beautiful she really is. She was so nice too. She was learning her lines and had to run off. I didn't want to interupt either. I began meeting more and more people beside the scenes. I soon met David Conrad after he was done with his scene. He was tending to a lady on the ground in the scene. I was watching from the monitors and more. I soon met Aisha Tyler. She was very nice as well. It was a great chance to meet her as well. I couldn't believe I was there and was doing all this. So then after a bit. Danielle told me she was leaving me in someones care for a while. His name was Joe. He was one of the guys in charge basically. He was one very nice guy. I hope I have the chance to work with him again. Soon they wisked me off to wardrobe with another guy and had me sign some release documents. Which I didn't mind doing since I was getting in it. They put me in a brown jacket. Needless to say i left my other back at the production office. But this one looked more like the rest. So I was standing there and they soon had the make up people come over to me. My lip was still cut from me biting it the day before. But I had to deal with that. They put me in the background. They did some quick set-ups. then told me what I needed to do. They had a first walk through. What I had to do was walk up behind Love when the lady was on the ground being tended too. So I was literally standing behind her in shot. They liked the fact that I took off my sunglasses at the right moment too. So I didn't have a reflection in them and show off all the cameras. So we reset and were ready to film. I am standing about 8 feet away from Love and her and Aisha are talking. I am waiting and looking around waiting for my cue to begin with the background. Love then says. Oh they got Matthew into costume and got him in here. I was a bit taken for a moment that she remembered my name. I'm was like. Yes and smiled. She then asked me if I had any questions or anything. I said I think I got the hang of it and she said if you have any questions feel free to ask. I'm like ok and then they called for us to get ready. So they called for action and we did our thing. I walked up behind Love in the shot and was looking down and then to the other around me but I was standing right behind her in the shot and to her left. So we did it one more time and then lunch was called for 30mins. They had a catored lunch for everyone there.
Joe told Clayton to take me over to the line and to make sure I was taken care of. So I got over there. I was standing across the buffet style line from David Conrad. They had everything you ever wanted. But the main thing was Fish planks and Pork Chops. So I grabbed some and then some rice. Plus a few other things. I found a seat and ate a very nice lunch. I also watched everyone around me.
Even the director and camera crew came over to eat. It was quite amazing. Everyone was having a good time and sharing some laughs and talking about everything going on. About this time I was done eating pretty quick. So I pulled out my camera. I took a few pictures of things and then walked back around the corner to the empty square and took a few more pictures before too many people got back. I then walked back over to where they were finishing up lunch. David Conrad and Aisha Taylor were talking to each other. I soon asked if I could have a picture with them while we had the chance.
They said of course and I was able to get a picture with them. Love didn't have lunch there with the rest. She had things to do and they were watching her really closely. Everything had to be cleared when around her. I definately can understand why. I wouldn't want anything to happen to her either. I knew I wasn't going to get much time to talk to her cause she was so busy. She was running back and forth from her trailor to the set. When she wasn't she was learning her lines quickly. That is dedication right there. I informed them I had a present for her. Yes I did bring her a present. I had found a little necklace of a dragonfly to take to her. There was that whole story of the dragonfly.
I took it to the guy I had too. He was a very nice guy too. He said he'd give it to her for me. Which was what I had to do and didn't mind as long as she got it. I also asked about getting a picture with her. He said he'd check that out too. Well back from lunch. I am there they get me in the next shot. I am there Love and David are going to be talking on a park bench in the square. They line of the camera and lay out the track. then they start placing people. I am placed where I will be walking through the shot beside them. I was talking on my cellphone while walking. It was quite fun. They finished the scene after a couple takes. Then they decided to switch camera angles. So I am walking through basically where the camera is sitting. So they came up with something else for me to do. I am put in the background on a payphone. I am talking on my cellphone on one side. then in the very back I was talking on the payphone. Which should be interesting to see when its edited. Because most won't know its the same person back there. They did make a comment saying they liked the background guy on the payphone and how he was acting. I just acted like I was having a serious conversation on the phone and was moving around talking. So after this was wrapped. They had one more scene to film.
It was fun to talk to the other people around there. They kept calling me by name and it also made a few of them wonder. So a couple asked me. I told them I had won a set visit. They were like cool and stuff. One even made the comment by the way everyone knew my name and the way I look so professional that I had to be a producer or something. So we began sharing laughs after that. It was alot of fun. It also took the edge off things. They had one shot to finish and it was of Love getting out of her blazer outside her antique store and finding something in the backseat.
They had me walking on the sidewalk across the street in this shot. While standing there a couple of the guys got the bright idea to dare me. They said I should just go up and start waving at the camera. I was like no way. They would yell cut and Time for Matt to go home all in one sentence. But I am more professional then that and didn't do it. But after we finished the first take. They yelled for me across set. Which got those guys attention they thought I was in trouble. They said reset quickly so I had to tell them to wait and they said ok. They wanted one more take of things. So we did the shot again and I walked over to where they wanted me. It was the guy I had to approve everything with and gave the necklace too. He said come over and motioned quickly while saying give me your camera. Love was on her way walking over. He said how do I work it. I turned it on and showed him. Love came up and put her arm around me and I had my arm around her waist. He snapped a picture of us right quick.
I told Love thank you so much for doing that. She said your welcome and she smiled back at me and she was off running to her trailer again and to change wardrobe. I wish that I had more time to talk to her. She was so nice and more in was un believable. I hope that I do get the chance to talk to her more. Maybe someday I'll be lucky enough to talk to her for a longer amount of time. But my day was complete. I couldn't believe it. They yelled that they were done with all the outside shots for the day. Joe came over and thanked me along with the guys who helped me and placed me for the shots. They took my wadrobe jacket and Danielle was waiting there for me. Then Joe yelled. Lets give Matthew a round of applause for the great job he did. Which several did. I said thanks everyone waved and went of with Danielle. By this time I was on cloud 9. Me and her went back up to the production office. We talked about the different things that went on. I went inside and met the excutive producers from Sander/Moses production. They thanked me for coming and hoped I had a good time. Which I did. I then followed Danielle to her office again to get my stuff. She had a few surprizes for me. One was a list of the production schedule. Another was the script for the episode we were shooting. The episode is going to be called the "Last Execution". It should air sometime early next year when they resume with the new episodes. The next thing she gave me was one of the director chair backs. It was from the set. It said Ghost Whisperer on one side and Cast on the other.
So that made me feel very special to recieve one of those. Then she had one final gift for me. It was and autographed picture. It was a picture of Love, Aisha, and David. It was personalized by each to Matthew. I was shocked.
It is very cool. She put the stuff in an envelope for me. Gave it all to me and we began to walk out. I met some more people and they showed me a few more things. They were telling me bye. I was asked how long I was in town for. I said only for a another day before i would be flying back to Denver on the 14th. She was like well the next time you are in L.A. you best be giving us a call. We would love to have you back. I was so shocked and amazed at this point. Words can't even begin to describe how good this made me felt. I said I would definately do that. I was amazed and going over the rainbow then. So they gave me a ride back to my car. Then I told Danielle goodby and thanked her for everything. It was an amazing expirience. I was glad to be able to expirience it. I soon made my way out of the lot and was on my way back to my hotel. I was hyper by then. It was crazy. But I made it safely back and began calling a few people. They were wanting to know how it went. I can say now. That it all turned out fantastic. Even with the few problem it turned out great. But my adventure was not over.
After the exciting day I had. So I checked my email messages again and uploaded a couple quick pictures to show. I sent it to my brother who was at the place DSL place where I use to work. Needless to say the guys I use to worked with there were falling over shocked. Which I was very lucky to have gotten the opportunity and chance. So after all that i still couldnt sleep. So I took a little walk. Yes I walked down Hollywood Blvd. I walked down to get some something to eat. Along the way they had the road blocked off. I guess they were filming something there as well. So I walked over. They were filming something called Bar Room heroes" The one guy told me that it had Eddie Murphy's Brother in it. They had everyone standing in the background to walk. Need to say as nice as I was dressed they grouped me in with this and sent me walking too. So soon after I got back. I fell asleep. I knew the next days were going to be just as hectic. The car company told me if i could have my car back by a certain time i would be able to get some off. Which was needed. But I had planned to meet a few people. Well I called and they weren't available. So I went driving out towards Beverly Hills. It was fun. I got to drive down Rodeo Drive. Then I also seen the Comedy Store along the way. But it was pretty fun. After this. I decided i wanted to see the ocean. So I drove out to Venice Beach. I went out and came down the coast. It was very nice to see it.
I was able to stop and pull over pretty easily. I walked out onto the pier into the ocean. I walked out taking a few pictures along the way. I had felt like I really accomplished something by then. I was feeling so great about myself and everything I did yesterday with the whole Ghost Whisperer Set Visit. It was just amazing the whole thing. I tried to make a few calls again and no luck. But I was able to pick up a few souvenirs to take with me. I then drove my car back. Which I was able to get the early discount. Then I went to the airport and they told me I had to wait till the next day to even check in. Even with my early flight and all. So I had a few hours to kill. So there I was with no car now and at the airport. Well I hopped onto one of the shuttles and made my way to a hotel with a restuarant and lounge. I was just going to relax. Little did I know when I got there. I found out they had free internet access. So I checked it out and was able to hook up. I was able to contact a few people and leave messages for others. After a couple hours and losing time. I made my way back to the airport. Which I was informed my airline was closed till 4 am. So I had to kill a couple hours at the airport now. So they gave me my boarding pass. Plus told me I could go lay down or wait on the benches. Which I did. So i waited and looked at my ticket and my flight left later then i expected. So I went and asked. They put me on standby for a earlier flight. Which being so early and nobody there. I was able to get. So I flew outta LA just before 6 am and was on my way back to Denver. I arrive at Denver around 9:30. I was to meet some friends in Denver for a few days. So I found my bus and made my way to glenndale. Needless to say after being let off at the wrong bus stop I found my friends and was able to meet up with them. So I will be here till sunday the 18th. But it has been one crazy trip. I'm sure i'll update this more when I get back. But it has been one amzing trip. Along with exciting crazy and more. So I guess this is what my next big adventure was. It is amazing how things have happen. How alot of people even some my own family told me I'd never do anything. Now this has happened. I am seriously thinking about sending out an invitation to those that said I'd never make it along with a picture. Telling them to watch me on CBS. The Number One hit show on fridays nights Ghost Whisperer. I think it is all kinda fitting and fair. Like I said before. It just shows me and others that Dreams do come true. But after it all is said and done. I can say. I did it!
Click Here Jennifer Love Hewitt's Official Website
Click Here Ghost Whisperer Official Website
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